Sunday, February 19, 2012

Line List for Extra 4

Extra 4

Confinement Room Escape {c31}- FINISHED

  • Extras 1-5 and Young Snake (1)

Study Escape {a42}- FINISHED

  • Extras 1-5 and Young Snake (1): GOOD
  • All Children in First Nonary Game (1): GOOD
  • All Children in First Nonary Game (2): GOOD

True Ending Part 4- Morphogenetic Sorrow {aed2}

  • All Children in First Nonary Game (Except Y. Akane and Y. Snake) (1): GOOD
  • All Children in First Nonary Game (3): GOOD
  • Extra 4 (1): GOOD
  • Extra 4 (2): GOOD
  • All Children in First Nonary Game (4): GOOD
  • All Children in First Nonary Game (2)
  • Extras 1-5 (2): GOOD
  • All Cast: GOOD

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