Friday, July 1, 2011

Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors: Fandub Auditions -OPEN


Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, including all game footage, music, official art, and story belongs to Aksys Games Localization Inc., Chunsoft, and Spike (JP). The user BirdieGoBoom in no way claims ownership of any of these things.

BirdieGoBoom here!
After playing Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors last fall and completing it, I thought that it might be fun to do a dub of the game. That’s the short version of why this video is here. If you are interested in auditioning, you can find all of the necessary rules and information below.  Also, let me warn you that much of the information in this video description will contain spoilers. Read at your own discretion, and try not to spoil those who do not wish to be spoiled.
Two of the characters are potentially self-cast, but you’re more than welcome to audition for them. If I really like your audition, I may just cast you instead. This is not a guarantee, however, so I suggest you audition for more than one character.

Important Info

1.       This is a tentative project. If people don’t audition, it may not happen.

2.       The deadline for auditions is midnight on December 27th, 2011.
3.       Casting will be done after the audition deadline.
4.       Again, BEWARE OF SPOILERS. I would recommend playing through the entire game before deciding to audition, but it’s your call.
5.       It’s kind of a given, but you have to be able to swear.


Yes, these are very important.

1.       You may audition for as many characters as you’d like, however, you will likely be cast as a single character. Of course, this depends on how many people audition.
2.       Use of a voice altering program is permitted as long as you are editing your own voice.
3.       Read the descriptions for the characters before auditioning.
4.       Please read all of the lines for that character with the emotion or intonation denoted within the parentheses following the line. You may read each line more than once with different inflections and emotions, so long as you do your preliminary reading with the listed intonation.
5.       In your video, please say or otherwise denote which character’s lines you are reading.
6.       Use a good quality microphone. I really don’t want to hear recordings with a great voice, but a terrible microphone.
7.       Please post your audition as a response to this video.
8.       You may re-audition as many times as you would like. I will give pointers in the comments of any audition videos I receive, and may recommend a redo of your audition.

Cast of Characters
Narrator- Potential Self-cast
Young Snake-
Young Santa-
Junpei- Potential Self-cast
Young Junpei-
Young Akane-
9th Man-
Extras 1-5 (Children in the First Nonary Game)-
Extra 6 (Man at the dock)-
Speaker (Incinerator Warning Voice)-

Character Descriptions

Narrator- If you wish to audition for the narrator part, the style is completely up to you. Please, nothing monotone or emotionless, but do keep in mind that this game is of a serious nature.

Zero- In the game, Zero’s voice is passed through a voice changer, so it should be cold, low, and mechanical. You must use a program to alter your voice to audition for this part.

Ace- Ace is 50, so he should have the deepest voice out of the group. He always maintains a sense of calm when faced with danger, but he has…issues. As I mentioned earlier, his voice should be a deep bass and his tone should be calm and somewhat dignified. When he’s being crazy, his voice should change accordingly and become more desperate and a tad higher-pitched than normal.

Snake- Although Snake is only 24, he earns his nickname “the Prince” for a good reason. Snake should speak in an authoritative, dignified, and calm manner. He also has the second lowest voice of the group, so its pitch should be between Ace’s bass and Seven’s baritone. However, I do not want Snake’s voice so low that it sounds forced. Anyone trying out for the part should also be able to pronounce complicated terminology.

Young Snake- Even at 15, Snake has an authoritative and dignified aura, and his speech patterns should be similar to those of his adult counterpart. Snake’s voice should be in the tenor range, since he’s only a teenager.

Santa- At 24, Santa is kind of a punk and a rebel. He uses a lot of slang in his vocabulary, and at first glance, doesn’t appear to be terribly intelligent. However, looks can be deceiving. His voice is the third highest in the game, so it should be relatively low (higher than Seven’s, but lower than Junpei’s), and should also reflect his somewhat bad attitude. Later in the game, his voice should become cold and calculating with little emotion.

Young Santa- A 15 year old kid who attends a private school, but is still a bit of a punk. In the game, he was described as being in puberty, so please consider this. He loves his little sister dearly, so any lines addressing her should display this feeling. However, lines delivered to others are usually slightly defiant.

Clover- Since she’s 18 and has graduated from high school, Clover’s voice should be slightly mature, but still high. I would say something in the mezzo-soprano range, but not something obnoxiously high. Many of the female main characters in anime have a voice similar to what I imagine Clover’s to be like. Clover is bubbly and loud at the beginning of the game, but becomes distant, anti-social, and quiet after losing her brother.

Junpei- A typical 21 year old college student. Junpei has the second highest male voice in the game, so it should be somewhere in the tenor range. He makes a lot of bad jokes in the game, so be prepared.

Young Junpei-  Since young Junpei only has lines in a flashback to 5th grade, he should be about 10 years old. This means that is voice should be young-sounding and high-pitched, but still recognizable as male. He acts tough around Akane, even though he’s hurt.

June/Akane-  June is 21 and looks innocent, but she tends to catch Junpei off guard when she tells dirty jokes or makes suggestive statements, since Junpei isn’t always sure if they’re even talking about the same thing. She’s a bit random, but is determined to get off of the ship without leaving anyone behind. Her voice should be in the mezzo-soprano range, and should maybe even sound a little shy when she’s not alone with Junpei. She has quite a range of emotions (from innocent to suggestive to desolate), and if you audition for her, you will need to be able to scream.

Young Akane-  At age 12, Akane was forced to participate in the First Nonary Game. She’s young and innocent, and like all of the other participants in the game, is scared to death of being on the ship. I imagine her voice to be high, like the younger sister type of character that you see in many anime, but not so annoying that her voice will make your ears bleed. You should be able to sound like you are sobbing and desperate when Akane is caught in the incinerator, but otherwise innocent and scared. If you are cast as young Akane, you should also be able to sound a bit younger than 12, since this role includes the character when she is in 5th grade.

Seven- At 45, Seven has the third lowest voice out of the group. He was a cop, so I would like him to have a baritone voice that has an edge to it. His voice may sound rough and look scary, but he’s really a nice guy.

Lotus- Since Lotus is 40, looks very…womanly, and dresses like a belly dancer, I would like her voice to be in the slightly lower female range. It should also be a little sultry. Lotus gets worked up easily, but is generally serious and even sounds bored at times.

9th Man- We don’t really know how old the 9th Man is, but I’d guess somewhere between 45 and 50. Thus, I would like an older sounding voice that is somewhat high-pitched, scratchy, raspy, and overall nervous.

Extras 1-5 (Children in the First Nonary Game)- These would be the other seven children whom Zero forced to participate in the First Nonary Game. Since these children would probably range in age from 8 to 15, their voices should sound a bit high-pitched, however the 15 year olds could have a slightly more mature voice. It would nice to have a mix of both boys and girls. These will be small parts with few lines, many of which will be improvised.

Nona- Nona is one of Lotus’ daughters, and was a participant in the First Nonary Game. Her age is somewhere between 12 and 15, so her voice should be higher-pitched. I don’t believe that Nona has individual lines, but I’ve listed her here because she has a name.

Extra 6 (Man at the dock)- In the game, this is the man who drugs Seven at the docks when he is searching for the missing children. I would like him to have a deep, perhaps even gruff, voice that is cold and commanding. This is a very small part that only has two lines, consisting of five words altogether.

Speaker (Incinerator Warning Voice)- This voice part is simply gives the warning message in the incinerator. This voice should be mechanical, but female. You must use a program to alter your voice to audition for this part. It is a small part with only small variations from line to line.

       Line 1: “A loud noise startled Junpei awake, and his eyes snapped open. As they adjusted to the light, he realized that he didn't recognize his surroundings. (Narrating, the rest is up to you)
       Line 2: “It was hard to believe the thing on the floor had once been human… The black pool of thick blood... The lumps of glistening flesh spread across floor... The awkward, twisted tangle of shredded intestines... The head, wrenched to some grotesque, unnatural position... The man's glasses lay next to his head. The lenses were cracked, and the frame bent and distorted.” (Narrating, the rest is up to you)
       Line 3: “The squeal of tortured metal made Junpei's teeth curl. It sounded like the noise a ghost would make. No matter how many times he heard it, he never got used to it. Every time, it put him on edge.” (Narrating, the rest is up to you)
       Line 1: “Consider this a privilege. You have been chosen. You are going to participate in a game. The [Nonary Game]. It is a game...where you will put your life on the line.” (Mechanical, cold, no emotion)
       Line 2: “Welcome aboard. I welcome you all, from the bottom of my heart, to this, my vessel.” (Mechanical, cold, no emotion)
       Line 3: “Now, it is time. Let our game begin. I wish you all the best of luck.” (Mechanical, cold, no emotion)
       Line 1: “I'm saying, let's find another way. After all, we haven't really examined this place yet.” (Mildly annoyed, calm)
       Line 2: “I'd just like to sleep...a little... Could you...keep it down...?” (Murmuring, speech slightly slurred, voice weak)
       Line 3: “Goddamnit! What’s going on here?! Why is the room empty! Where the hell are those fucking kids!?” (Furious, confused, shouting)
       Line 1: “I would appreciate it if you would call me [Snake]. My bracelet number is (2). Since Ace has chosen cards, then I choose dice--"snake-eyes", clearly. Which is particularly relevant, given that I am blind. (With refinement, dignity, informing, calm)
       Line 2: “That is correct. A gold star for you, Junpei.” (With refinement and dignity, congratulating but not overly so)
       Line 3: “Interesting. Well, intelligence often hides itself in darkness. Have you ever thought about the pages of a book? Each page only sees…what, maybe 2 or 3 minutes of light before the reader is on to the next? They spend the rest of their lives locked in darkness. Rather like myself… (Contemplating, thinking aloud)
Young Snake-
       Line 1: “Hello! Everyone! Yes, could you come over here for a moment?” (With authority and dignity, but calm)
       Line 2: “I’m sure I’ve already told you, but I am blind. For a man who can’t see, collecting 9 of a very specific plant is… Well, it’s difficult.” (Matter-of-factly, but with a twinge of sadness)
       Line 3: “So, if you believe what I’ve told you, and you understand, then I want you each to have one of these.” (Offering, explaining, calm)
       Line 1: Near the beginning of the game, Santa swears at Zero’s loudspeaker with “language course enough to embarrass a sailor.” Please improvise this for me.
Or, if you would prefer something else…
“Hey! Asshole! What the hell is this?! C'mon out here! I wanna get a look at you!" (Furious, demanding)
       Line 2: “Hey man, I just bought these shoes. If you think I'm getting some creepy dude's blood all over 'em, you got another thing comin'." (Deffiant) [Santa actually says “think” in the game, but I’m pretty sure that it was a typo.]
       Line 3: “3 people, including Seven. I’ll be leaving behind 3 people. That’s my proposal. …No… Those are my orders.” (Explaining, calculating, commanding)
Young Santa-
                                                       Line 1: “Who the hell are you?” (Questioning, suspicious)
       Line 2: “Anyway, there’s no point! We can’t all get out of here! If we don’t get out of here, we’re gonna be burned to death!” (Urgent, informing)
       Line 3: “It’s gonna be alright! I’ll figure something out, I promise! I promise, okay? You hear me? I promise!” (Reassuring, yet desperate and yelling)
       Line 1: “We're siblings. Snake is my older brother, obviously. That means I'm his little sister. That really so hard to understand?” (Pointing out, slightly annoyed)
       Line 2: “My brother's not the kinda person who'd just leave me behind! Something happened to him... Something...something bad...” (Yelling at first, but voice trails off and becomes worried and sad)
       Line 3: “See? You get it now? If we have the (0) bracelet, we can leave. You and I can open door [9] with just the 2 of us.” (Twisted, cold, fiendish, beckoning)
       Line 1: “OOOOOOWWWCHGODDAMNIT! Gah! What the hell!? Where... ...Am I...?” (Loud and angry, then a confused murmur)
       Line 2: “W-Well, I mean, of course you would, that's the way it works. I mean, I've never heard of anyone getting soaking wet...somewhere...else...” (Nervous, avoiding, careful)
       Line 3: “Akane… Heh. Guess I must be pretty crazy about the girl if I think I’m hearing her voice in the wind…” (Murmuring, fondly reminiscent)
Young Junpei-
                                                       Line 1: “Aw, c’mon. This’s nothing” (Slightly showing off, reassuring)
       Line 2: “U-uh, well…um… Y-You know how after June, we aren’t gonna get to see each other too much? I mean, we’re gonna be in different schools… and I just thought I’d…uh…you know… Um…” (Nervous, tripping over words, embarrassed)
       Line 3: “If something…bad… Then hold and pray. I go…wherever you are. So here…take…” (Imitating a Native American Chief, presenting)
       Line 1: “Oh my gosh... Is that you, Jumpy!?” (Surprised, but with an undertone of excitement)
       Line 2: “Why... Why did this happen...” (Sobbing, desolate, with a cracked and shaking voice)
       Line 3: “Hey Jumpy, did you want to take a shower together? *Giggle* Just kidding.” (Teasing, but in a good-natured way)
Young Akane-
       Line 1: “As we ran, I led the way. Behind me were Nona, my brother Aoi, Snake, and Seven. (Narrating, recalling)
       Line 2: “Oh no! Where is it?! Did I drop Jumpy’s present?!” (Realizing, extremely worried)
Line 3: “I can’t… I just can’t, there’s no… no way… I can figure this out…” (Sobbing, desperate, giving up)
       Line 1: “Oh... Me...? Yeah, well, mine was just like the rest'a yours... “ (Calm, slightly distant)
       Line 2: “Hhhhggh! Urrrrgghhh! UuuuuurrrrrrRRRRGGGHHH! Hrrrraah--! *Pant* *Pant* *Pant*… Yeah! How’dya like that, you son-of-a-bitch!” (First grunting, struggling with the metal grate, the defiant and proud)
       Line 3: “Not that I could blame ‘em, running into a mug like this when they’re already scared shitless… Don’t worry, kids! I’m not your enemy! I’m one’a the good guys!” (Muttering, then shouting and reassuring)
       Line 1: “Don't tell me you're actually going to do what this...this Zero says?!” (Surprised, taken aback)
       Line 2: “Why don't we decide on 1 person to sacrifice?” (Suggesting, cold, calculating, matter-of-factly)
       Line 3: “I'm not an exhibitionist! I'm wearing clothes! RrrrrrrrRRRRGH! I'm going to kill you!” (Furious, vengeful)
9th Man-                                   
       Line 1: “A-A-A-Are you an idiot?! W-W-What do you think?! I c-c-could slit your throat right now!” (Threatening, nervous)
       Line 2: “Ehehehehehehehehe! Th-Th-Thank God you were all so c-cooperative!” (laughing, mocking, relieved)
       Line 3: “Shit! Why isn't it stopping?! Goddamnit! Y-Y-You l-lied!” (Frantic, desperate, accusing)
Extras 1-5-
                                                       Line 1: “There it is! Over there! It’s a door with a 9!” (Excited, relieved)
                                                       Line 2: “What are we going to do now?” (Frightened, worried)
                                                       Line 3: For this line, please do a bit of improvisation.
                                                       Line 1: “Nooooo! Help me!” (Desperate, begging, frightened)
                                                       Line 2: “Are you just going to leave us here?!” (Frightened, slightly angry)
                                                       Line 3: “There aren’t any other doors?” (Nervous, questioning, curious)
Extra 6-
                                                       Line 1: “Don’t move.” (Commanding, threatening)
                                                       Line 2: “Drop your gun.” (Commanding)
       Line 1: “Warning. Warning. Emergency incineration command has been acknowledged.” (Mechanical, no emotion, but not monotone)
       Line 2: “Automatic incineration will take place in… 18 minutes.” (Mechanical, no emotion, but not monotone)
Line 3: “Please evacuate the incinerator immediately.” (Mechanical, no emotion, but not monotone)

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